Hey, guess what? I just built a website. Yeah, with ChatGPT-4. Wild, right?
So, ChatGPT tells me I need a web address. I end up on this site called Porkbun.com. I know, sounds ridiculous. Anyway, I snag dsteckler.com for seven bucks. Cheaper than my morning coffee!
For hosting, ChatGPT lays out some options. I go with GitHub Pages 'cause it's free and I'm aiming for that minimalist vibe. You know, like Derek Sivers' site.
I make a GitHub account, mess around with HTML on Trinket.io. Basically, I'm taking ChatGPT's designs and tweaking them. By tweaking, I mean changing stuff like five or six times.
Back to GitHub, set up a repository, link my domain. Boom! Site's live. Well, kinda. Buttons don't work. Typical, right?
Spend a couple hours chatting with ChatGPT, taking screenshots, lots of "Okay, now what?" moments. Finally get those buttons working and set up a newsletter signup.
And there you have it—a simple, working website. It's not perfect, but hey, it's mine. All thanks to ChatGPT-4 and a lot of trial and error.
Oh, and in case you're wondering, no pigs or buns were harmed in the making of this site. Promise.